Recipe: Paleo Mahi Mahi with Mango Avocado Salsa


Finding ways to satisfy my powerful sweet tooth is one of the main challenges of my hyper-restrictive diet. So when the idea to create Mango Salsa hit me out of the blue in the middle of work (at 11am, no less), I spent the whole day dreaming of my future creation. It turned out to be every bit as delicious as I had hoped! This dish is very rich in healthy fats and oils, including Omega-3 (Mahi), Omega-6 (Avocado), and Folate! It definitely hit the spot after a week straight of eating salt-and-pepper chicken (bleh!). I’ve also recently purchased an indoor electric grill designed specifically for apartment dwellers. It’s been a wonderful addition to my cooking tools, and I’d highly recommend one to anyone who is also bound by lease rules! (I’ve linked the model that I bought, which I’m very happy with, below).

For Salsa:

1 Mango, Diced (you could peel it, but It didn’t make much of a difference to me. Besides, there are tons of nutrients in fruit skins!)

1.5 Avocado, Peeled and Diced (I had small ones, hence the .5)

Juice from 1 Lime

Fresh Cilantro (I had to used dried, because the store was out. But use fresh, the flavor is much more potent).

Minced Garlic

Salt to Taste

Instructions: Combine all Ingredients (easy enough!)

For Mahi Mahi:

2 6oz portions of Mahi Mahi

Cilantro Leaves


Salt and Pepper

Instructions: Season fish with ingredients as desired (I’d recommend emphasizing the Garlic most of all. It comes through nicely with the salsa). ‘Grill’ fish on 350 degree grill top for 5 minutes on each side. Fish is delicate, so be careful!

Indoor Grill: (I know the Cuisinart version of this has many more reviews, but upon examining them side by side, this one seems to have a far superior build. Plus the feature that allows you to open the grill entirely up and have 2 cooking surfaces puts this one over the top.)


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