Product Review: Two Moms Nut Bars (Paleo)


These nut bars are livesavers for when you find yourself hungry in the middle of a busy work day. I don’t seem to have any reaction to them, and they’re tasty! The nuts are seasoned and stuck together with agave nectar. At 130 calories, they’re the perfect snack to get you to your next meal. I should note that you should go easy on the nuts if you’re starting out on a Leaky Gut diet (or in general). Nuts contain Phytate, an enzyme that inhibits digestion (this can cause diarrhea in large enough amounts). I’ve been able to handle 2 in a day pretty well, but I’m not tempting fate by eating more than 2. I buy these at Whole Foods, but you can find them online as well! For discounts, check out, or order directly from their website (linked in the photo above. Yes, I did snag that photo from their site. I just thought the text was cool :] ).

Price: $4

Taste: All flavors taste pretty much the same to me, but the seasoning (cinnamon seems to be the predominant flavor) is delicious!

Texture: These bars are ‘chewy’, with the nuts adhering together with sweet agave nectar.