Recipe: Mochi



This alternative Japanese dessert/snack is naturally gluten free and a great choice if you’re looking for something refreshing (and devoid of all of the other food allergens!). My attempt came out a little more lumpy than is usual (because I tried to grind my own rice flour), but the taste was still great (and the texture was fine by me!). It takes about 20 minutes to make since you actually do most of the “cooking” in the microwave, so it’s an easy recipe to make. Enjoy!

Original Recipe:

Makes 10-12 Filled Cakes

1 Cup Mochiko (Sushi Rice)
1/4 Cup Sugar
2/3 Cup Water
2-3 Drops red or green food coloring, optional
Cornstarch or Potato Starch, for dusting

Add the mochiko, sugar, water, and food coloring (if using) to a microwave safe bowl. Stir well, making sure there are no lumps. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as best you can with a rubber spatula, otherwise they’ll get all gross when the dough is microwaved.

Cover lightly with plastic wrap and mircowave for 2 minutes. Remove bowl from the microwave and stir VERY well. Dough will be much thicker, but there should still be some raw parts underneath. I like to use a sturdy silicone spatula to mix the dough at this point. Place the dough back in the microwave for 1 more minute.

Open the door and peek–did the dough start sinking as soon as the door opened? If so, the dough was inflating while cooking, which means it’s ready. If not, microwave for 1 more minute and check again. You shouldn’t have to microwave for more than 4 minutes total (2 minutes initial cooking, 2 more additional minutes after mixing).

One the dough deflates when you open the door, remove the dough from the microwave and scrape it out onto a cornstarch-coated cutting board.

Pat the hot dough (be careful! It’s hot!) with cornstarch and flatten it out a little. Cut into 10-12 even pieces. Roll pieces into small balls, using more cornstarch as needed to roll.

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