Sweet Potato Breakfast Hash


We usually make eggs and bacon for breakfast if we have time (if not, it’s Glutenfreeda Instant Oatmeal for me). But I’m on winter break from law school at the moment, and I wanted to try making something different. This is the product!

Makes 2 Servings

1 Ruby Sweet Potato
3 strips turkey bacon (we buy Applegate), cooked until fairly crispy
2 cups broccoli spears
1/4 sweet yellow onion, cut into approximate 1 inch pieces.
3 eggs to scramble
Garlic, salt, and pepper for seasoning

Place a skillet on medium-high (6/10) heat. With a sharp, large chef’s knife (preferably one with grooves to prevent a vacuum from forming) cube the sweet potato. If you can find your skinning tool, you can remove the skin from the potato. I couldn’t, so I didn’t! I’d recommend chunks somewhat smaller than the ones pictured here. 1/2 inch cubes would probably work. Place chunks in hot pan, cover with olive oil, and cover pan to allow chunks to cook evenly. These take the longest to cook, so you’ll want to start them first. While those chunks are cooking, Place strips of bacon into a separate skillet to cook. While both pans are cooking, cut the 1/4 onion pieces. Add them to the sweet potato pan, add enough oil so that there is some (but not much) visible at the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle with garlic, salt, and pepper (it’d probably be tastier if you used fresh garlic. I used powdered garlic, but now that I’m thinking of it I should have used fresh).

When the bacon is done, tear it into pieces with your fingers and add to the sweet potato skillet. In the now empty skillet where you were cooking the bacon, add broccoli. Add about a tablespoon of olive oil to cookie the broccoli. Once the broccoli is roasted (you can see parts of the spear beginning to brown), transfer to the sweet potato skillet.

By now the sweet potato skillet should be finished. After removing the sweet potato mix from heat and placing in serving bowls, I decided to cook scrambled eggs (not pictured here). I placed the eggs on top of the sweet potato mix, and served in a bowl. It was quite good!

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